Getting an accurate reading is very important when you are looking for a psychic. But by playing test the psychic, you are denying your chances of getting a good reading and you will end up disappointed. No good or true psychic will give a psychic reading without there being honest feelings and intentions. A psychic […]
Psychic Readings
Signs You are a Clairaudience
There are noises all around but if you are hearing voices, tis can be scary. The thing is, if you are clairaudient, chances are that you are hearing voices from your guides or angels or even the spirit world. To have clairaudient senses it means that you are able to speak into the spirit world […]
Knowing When You Have Gotten Scammed by a Psychic
When you deal with hard things in your marriage or your relationship, you might feel desperate to know what went wrong. Sometimes when people are desperate, they go online to find a psychic. You might find someone that is sympathetic to what you are going through, but you also might find someone that will charge […]
What Kinds of Changes Have Empaths and Lightworkers Went Through?
Have you found that you struggle with who you are and what you are meant to do in this world? Maybe you feel like you are an empath or an indigo. Empath and Indigo An empath is someone that is a lightworker and can help you to bring light to people around the world. Everyone […]
Is It Easy Being a Psychic?
People struggle to understand what it means to be a psychic. If one can see the future, does that mean the person is able to reap the benefits of optimal health and financial wealth? Although they have spiritual gifts, this does not mean a psychic’s life is free of hardships. Psychics are able to receive […]
Why Do Psychics Ask Certain Questions?
People often think that psychics automatically know things and know everything. If this were true, it would take the fun out of life and life would no longer be a mystery. Psychics have incarnated into the human form just like you and I have and therefore they have to face things in life just like […]
Unbelievable indications that you have lived a past life
You have dreams that always recur Although there are many reasons why people dream, but if you are experiencing a dream that always recurs, it is likely to be your subconscious way of a past life’s revelation. These dreams can take many angles. Pay attention to those that involve a particular historical period or a […]
Utilizing the power of intuition
Intuition is always that voice at the back of your head that tells you to do something. It’s that thing you always feel when feeling betrayed. It is that inner feeling that tells you something. Despite various misconceptions about intuition, it is advantageous. It allows you to comprehend and use information that will give you […]
Protecting Your Energy Field
People sometimes ask how to protect their energy field. Sometimes I take on other peoples energy if I know them or if I don’t. Sometimes if I am in a certain place, it affects how much energy I have. What is an energy field? This is part of our spiritual body that is around our […]
Will a psychic know who you should marry?
Most humans are impatient by nature. If we haven’t found a match by a certain time we began to wonder when we will meet The One. This is why psychics are inundated with queries from clients about when and if their single status will change. A psychic can give you relationship guidance as work towards […]